Joined: September 13, 2010
Posts: 2
Posted: Post subject: For those that have herpies 1 maybe you know? |
I have Herpes 1 since childhood never had a outbreak.I met a guy that has herpes 1 to, but he gets a blister, now after we kissed. My lips are hurting and i can tell they want to blister its been a week. What is going on? Everyone tell me i cant get reinfected.
Joined: October 27, 2011
Posts: 1
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`If you look at all the information online, it's very unclear. I feel (and want to believe) you can't be reinfected, but I do know it can happen under certain circumstances - such as right when you first get it before your antibodies have built up perhaps? I think it's pretty rare, but maybe if your immune system is really depressed? I don't know who to ask who is an actual authority on the subject!!! Maybe he didn't really have HSV-1? I *thought* I had cold sores as a kid, but then I get HSV-1 shortly after surgery.
I found out in April that I have HSV-1 on my finger (Herpetic Whitlow), which has even LESS information about it. I took acyclovir for a while, but stopped. Evidently my marriage is over, despite 15 years and 3 kids...